It’s nearly impossible to know why things happen the way they do. We can speculate and sometimes we come really close or actually do come up with the right answers, but we’ll never know that for sure. We’re not supposed to know. If we knew for certain about everything in life, what would be the point? What is the point?
Well, if I were to speculate, I think that our souls were put here to learn and grow. I am a soul, in this body of flesh and blood, here to have a human experience. And what is a human experience? It is pain, it is joy, it is laughter, it is tears, it is love, it is loss. I am here to feel it all, and I have, and I will continue to. It is said (in speculation of course), that our souls are not just that of human experiences. Yeah, we’re humans right now… but we might have been some other type of life form in past lives. You could have been (what we consider) an alien or extra-terrestrial in a past life. Kind of wild to think about, right? I’ve heard past life regression hypnosis sessions where people recall life on other planets. One woman described a past live where she and her people were cat people. Cat faces, walking upright like humans. Do you believe that? It’s hard for me to comprehend sometimes, but I want to be open minded about the possibilities. I, for sure, believe we are not the only life forms in the universe. But I’ve also gone as far as to ponder if it is other planets/universes that we live our past lives, or if it’s actually other dimensions that we hail from. The possibilities are so vast, and there is still so much we just don’t know. Others have only theorized and scratched the surfaces of what could be. And, honestly, there is a lot that “we” do know… but it is kept hidden from the general public, for whatever reason. Still, it’s fascinating to me.
People in the spiritual world also theorize that some souls are not just here for the human experience, but rather something more… a greater purpose. They say that these souls were chosen to go back to earth to help raise people’s vibrations/awareness and guide them to ascension. These souls are called light workers. They are categorized below:
1. Grid Workers – Work with grids and gateways on earth.
2. Transmuters – Keep their frequency high & transmute negative energy through them.
3. Lightkeepers – Embody light.
4. Healers – Unique abilities to heal humanity.
5. Seers – Are clairvoyant in nature.
6. Divine Blueprint Holders - Tune into their divine blueprint template & retrieving the codes of awakening.
7. Astral Travelers - Have out of body experiences voluntarily and access Akashic records to discover their purpose and how they can better help humanity evolve.
8. Messengers - Get guidance from angels, ascension masters, or their higher self.
9. Manifestors - Powerful and instant manifestors.
10. The Way Showers - Lightworkers who lead by example.
11. Unifiers - Find unifying themes in diverse patterns and philosophies.
12. Ascension Guides - Help people to overcome the pitfalls of the enlightenment process.
I am a light worker. I actually fall under quite a few of these categories, I am finding. I am a transmuter. I have referred to this in previous posts, when I talked about my being an empath. I can not only feel what a person is feeling… but I also take it in. Typically… when people come around me, they leave feeling better. Most of the time… I don’t even say anything of importance. They just come, we have a seemingly meaningless interaction and they go. They leave feeling better and (depending on the level of negative stuff they have going on in them) I stay feeling worse. I get really sick sometimes with certain people. I have to leave because it gets to be too much. My job is really stressful. We’re all very stressed and it’s easy to get fired up over things (and often). It’s really hard for me to be there some days, but that’s just what I do.
I am also a light keeper. I just embody light. I don’t even do anything. It’s just what I am. I put out a very warm and welcoming light. I am a beacon and people, spirits, and animals are drawn to it. I guess that’s the point… I draw people in so I can help them with my other abilities.
I am a healer, but I am very new to it. I’m still trying to find my way and hone in on my abilities, so I know how best to help people heal. Writing and sharing my stories… is the best way I can think to do that right now. So, I’m just going with that.
I am also a seer, but again… I am very new to it.
Clairvoyance is broken down into 4 categories:
1. Clairaudience – Messages through sound.
2. Clairvoyance – Messages through sight.
3. Clairsentience – Messages through feeling.
4. Claircognizance- Messages through downloads.
We all have the ability to hone in on these clairs, however so far for me…
I am only fluent in 3 of the 4.
My clairaudience I have apparently had all my life, but I never made the connection. I have inner monologues with myself all the time. Sometimes it’s me talking to me. Sometimes, though, it’s spirit (that’s my catch all phrase for my spirit team, ancestors, angels, and maybe even God) talking to me. I spoke about this briefly in another one of my blogs, but it’s all in the tone and the way you’re being talked to, that helps you identify which voice is which. If you hear I, like “I need to go get around for work, I’m going to be late.” That’s all you. You’re telling yourself to do things. But if you hear YOU, like “You need to drink more water and move your body more.” That’s them, giving you guidance to help you along your journey. Honestly… I started this blog post with the mindset of going an entirely different direction. I wasn’t planning on talking about any of this today, but what guided into it. I just sort of flow with my words, and what ever is supposed to come out, does. That actually happens all the time for me.
Along with voices or guided thoughts in my mind… I get a TON of my messages through music. This happens all the time. I’ve started doing tarot readings, and I put my music on shuffle while I do it, to pair songs with my readings. I simply jot what ever songs play while I’m working with the cards, then put them with the videos that I post. They coincide. This happens at work and in the car too (whenever there is music playing, really), where I’ll be thinking about things and my attention gets directed to specific lyrics. They are messages, answers, and guidance to whatever I’m thinking about. And sometimes they're flat out warnings. It happens so often, that I can no longer chalk it up to coincidence. I will literally laugh or say out loud, “Okay… I got it. Thanks.” I have become that person and I’m good with it.
My clairvoyance needs work. I’m super blocked there. I tried to get hypnotized a while back and a lot of that pertained to visualizing things in your minds eye. I couldn’t do it. I guess I was not supposed to know some of these things yet. It was very disheartening because I really wanted to learn about my past lives. I met my twin flame and that triggered my spiritual awakening. I had an instant knowing, that I knew my TF in a past life. That was how all of this started. It’s been a fucking ride, I’ll tell you. And I don’t use the term twin flame lightly. A lot of people like to label their toxic partners that they’re in a codependent relationships with, as a twin flame. It's their desperate need to make it seem okay that their person is acting like a piece of shit or that they are this magical fucking person and not just some steamy pile of poo. I get why they do it, but it is a fantasy. It is a prolonging of pain and a disservice to their growth. There is more to a TF connection than toxic behavior… but I won’t get too deep into that here. Basically, twin flames mirror each other. They have gone through similar but mirrored trauma, they have to heal similar but mirrored wounds, they are the same except for the places where they aren’t… and they are total (mirrored) opposites there. They go through shit together, but completely separate. They trigger each other to the point that one or both turns away from the connection and they go into this dark hermit period of self-reflection and pain. (Side note, Wicked Game by Stone Sour is playing as I write this. That is my TF song. I’m haunted by it. Messages.) The TF journey is a very lonely, solo, experience. One person usually wakes up the other person, then they stop talking for a long time, then the other one wakes up, then who the fuck knows. Sometimes they come back together, sometimes they don’t. It all depends on the work they put into healing, growing, and raising their vibration. I’m doing my part, but not for the promise of a tomorrow with my twin. We were never anything more in this life than friends, but it was an important friendship. Bonded, like it or not. Anyways, I’m just doing what I’m doing, because it’s just the right thing to do. The best thing to do. It was both a blessing and a curse to meet my twin. It has been the hardest experience of my life, but so freeing (eventually) in the end. And look at me now. I am embodying High Priestess energy. I am now sitting in an Empress and Queen energy. I can thank my counterpart for that. And I do. Things happen exactly as they are meant to. Anyways… back to it.
I have clairsentient abilities as well. I can FEEL everything. I can FEEL everyone. This is also something I’ve had since I was a kid. I’ve always been dubbed a sensitive kid, but not in a good way. It’s been in a tone that implied it was a weakness. This is not a weakness; it is a strength… a heightened ability. But, like anything that holds power or importance, that shit gets heavy. Balance is extremely important. Finding ways to amplify the rest you need or the peace and strength needed to wake every single day and do it all again, is incredibly important. I go to sleep listening to meditation music. It really helps.
And lastly claircognizance is the ability of knowing. Since my awakening, I have been much more aware of the downloads I am getting. I know I’ve been getting small downloads my whole life, but now I am getting these BIG, SIGNIFICANT ones… and I am experiencing them in a very different way. I say I don’t have clairvoyance, but when I get my downloads, I actually see them now. It’s like how computers are comprised of a series of 0’s and 1’s. They are just an unreadable wall of 0001000011101101010101010101000010's. That’s what my downloads are like, only the 1’s and 0’s are made up of hieroglyphics. I don’t know what any of them mean. I can’t even remember what the actual markings are, there are so many that I can't just focus on one. It is walls of those, written in light, in my mind. I'll wake up from my meditations and see them in my minds eye. I will open my eyes, look around, then close my eyes again and they’re still there. So, I relax and just let it finish. It startled me when this first started happening. Now, I just say thank you and go with the flow. My life has gotten very weird… but very cool.
Next up is astral projection. I caught myself astral projecting once. It scared the shit out of me! I literally felt myself woosh out of my body, but I hit a wall and fell back to myself. I think I do this a lot though. I have always had intense dreams. For as long as I can remember. And up until my awakening, I remembered most of them. I used to write them down for action/adventure, fictional books. Since my awakening, I can’t remember much from my dreams. I think I’m being blocked from remembering now. I think because I’m aware of so much now, I’m not supposed to know where I’m going when I sleep. I think I woke up during one of my transitions from my body to the dream realm (or wherever I was going) and they were like, “Oh shit! She’s awake! She’s not ready for this yet!” They panicked, I panicked, and they literally dropped my ass back to my body. I had the wind knocked out of me, my body hurt, and I was like WTF was that?! Maybe I’ll be privy to remembering and being a conscious part of that travel one day. But again, this is all speculation and theory.
I’m a messenger too. Recently, I’ve been getting into tarot in a bigger way. I’ve had tarot cards for 2-3 years now, but have only really been working steadily with them within this last year. I’ve only done readings for 3 people in my family, the rest are personal readings. I’m still getting a feel for it. I don’t like doing anything half assed, so before I go doing this in a bigger way, I want to know I’m doing it well. Tarot aside, I get messages through my clairs. Then I share them on here with you. Eventually, I’ll share them through music and other forms of writing. I’m working towards a life where I have more time to dedicate to those things. Right now, I typically blog on days off or mornings off with my cup of coffee.
*Raises coffee mug to reader*
Manifestors are also something we are all capable of being. To manifest the things you want in life, you just have to speak it into existence. You just talk positive and in the present tense. Like, “I am safe & protected. I am financially abundant.” Stuff like that. I do full moon and new moon rituals. Those are the times I put real effort into releasing and manifesting the things I want. I don’t do witchy stuff, that’s not my thing. Everything I do has to feel right in my heart and spirit. I do tarot and communicate only with my spirit team. I work only in love and light. The ritual word always gives off a black magic vibe, so I am hesitant when I say that I do full moon or new moon rituals. I light candles, take my crystals out, leave water out in the moon light and let the moon energize them. It’s a good way to cleanse things. Then I write. On full moon’s you are supposed to release things from your life. I write down things, emotions, people, situations, etc. that I want to release from my life. Then I burn the paper and give it to the universe. The new moon is when you should manifest the things you want in life. Career, personal grown, love, etc. Again, I write them down and burn the paper… then I just sit in the moon light and reflect. It’s very therapeutic if nothing else. I see where people try to manifest specific people into their life. I see people on TikTok that share videos on how to bring a person to you. I don’t like that. I won’t do that. When I manifest love… I just ask God to bring me the person that is going to be what I need, or who will help me on this journey of being my best and most authentic me. I don’t care who it is. I trust the process. I am open to what comes next. I let go of the control and I’m just trying my best to follow my intuition on matters of the heart. So, if you try manifesting… just make sure you’re doing it in a pure way, that harms no one.
And I’ll group the last three into one, The Way Showers, Unifiers, and Ascension Guides. I don’t know… maybe I’m these. I am just sharing my journey with the world in case it’s needed. If someone needs this, it’s here. If I cause someone to wake up from reading these, COOL and… I’m sorry. You’re in for a tough ride, but it’s truly worth it. There are a lot of people waking up right now. A massive wave of awakenings all over the world. Something big is coming. There is going to be a major divide between the old world and the new world. The old world is low vibrational and full of greed, lies, manipulation, corruption, and keeping people vibrating low. Then there is the new world, not to be confused with “The New World Order” because that is complete bullshit. That is the agenda of the corrupt leading in the old world. You can probably already see it happening if you’re not sleeping. The agenda’s, the manipulation of information and media, the way your rights are being threatened and taken away, the way you can turn your family and friends in for being extremists for growing and canning their own food. It is an attack on the new world mindset. The mindset of self-sufficiency and living as free from the corruption of government as possible. Don’t worry too much about it. Stay balanced and cool headed. Turn off the tv and do you. I have my own views and beliefs on things, but I don’t want to focus my writing on those things. People are where they are, because that is where they’re meant to be on their journey. I am not here to debate or change your mind on anything. You will find your way when you’re meant to. I see what’s happening, I’m aware. I am taking the steps I feel is appropriate to put my family and I in a place that makes us feel best prepared for what may come. That’s all you can do.
So, while I had no intention of writing about this today… that’s what happened.
I guess someone needs to hear it, or else I wouldn’t have been led here today.